“Susan Rae is truly a ray of light! She has helped me more and in a shorter amount of time than any other therapist I have worked with. Susan has an incredible heart and a toolbox full of practical tips and activities to work through and overcome issues instead of just talking about them. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with her.” ~Jean

I love helping couples & individuals improve the quality of their relationships!

Susan Rae, Relationship Coach

Susan Rae Relationship Coach & Counselor in Asheville, North Carolina

I am so happy you are here! Transformation can be easier and more enjoyable than what you think. Let’s work together to shift from repetitive patterns that keep you stuck and disconnected and begin applying skills to create more connection, empathy, and appreciation for yourself, your partner and others.

Meaningful & healthy connections enhance the quality of our lives and are paramount to living a joyful life!

I am passionate about helping folks like you overcome relationship obstacles & experience true connection.

If you are considering relationship counseling or couples therapy, contact me at SusanRaeofLight@gmail.com or click the button below to schedule a free curiosity session and see if my relationship coaching is right for you!

I look forward to talking with you!

About Susan Rae

Susan Rae is intuitive, empathic, and compassionate. Her warmth of heart and calm presence offer a safe, comforting space to explore, untangle, release, and heal the pain and challenges, while lighting the path forward to help you grow toward creating the life and love you are longing for! 

A native to Indiana, Susan studied counseling psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute near Santa Barbara, CA. In addition, she has completed numerous trainings and certifications over the years as a life-long student of growth, transformation, and healing.

Along with being a Certified Relationship Coach, Susan is also a Certified Creative Depth Coach, a Certified Grief Mentor & Midlife Guide, a Certified Reiki Practitioner, a Certified Yoga Instructor, and an Ordained Minister.

As a Certified Grief Mentor, Susan will be a beam of light, tenderly meeting you in the depths of your darkest challenges and walking with you as you reflect, grieve, process, integrate, and heal. When you are ready, she will help guide you toward envisioning a new chapter of the life you want, while providing tools and loving support.

Walking the journey of widowhood after 20 years of marriage and becoming a single parent of two teenagers, Susan knows what it is like to be engulfed in darkness and experience tremendous loss. After her husband’s death, closing the family business that she and her husband created and operated together, and simultaneously transitioning as an empty nester, Susan needed to fully recreate her life.

As a Midlife Guide, Susan especially enjoys helping others navigate the challenges in different seasons of life. While building a family and/or career, we can lose parts of ourselves and our dreams, and the transitions that come with middle-of-life changes can be disorienting and full of painful challenges.

To begin reclaiming yourself and re-visioning your life now, Susan can help guide you to integrate those lost parts of self, forgotten dreams and all the beautiful qualities and strengths you possess.

Susan Rae is also a Certified Reiki Practitioner, a Certified Yoga Instructor and a teacher of Qigong. Qigong (chee-guhng) is a movement meditation that offers the opportunity to experience ourselves as energy. This mindfulness-in-motion practice allows us to release pent up emotions, such as grief, anxiety, fear, anger, etc., so we can feel more ease, lightness and freedom mentally, emotionally and physically. Susan often shares her wisdom of various energy movements in her sessions and other energy healing practices, such as Emotional Healing Technique.

Susan’s yoga class, Yoga for Self Love, speaks to her passion of inspiring others to have a more loving, accepting relationship with themselves. If you have experienced challenges with people pleasing, perfectionism, negative self-talk, chronically comparing yourself to others, and/or low self-esteem, Susan will lovingly help you learn to re-pattern your internal dialogue and begin cultivating a strong sense of self. By learning to trust yourself more and stand tall in your authentic truth, you will feel empowered to lead a fully aligned life with immense joy and fulfillment!

Susan adores her young adult children who inspire her continuously, as they are two of her greatest teachers! In her free time, Susan loves hiking, biking, river floats and anything in Nature. She loves creating new outdoor spaces around her home and walking barefoot on the Earth. As a lover of the expressive arts, including movement and dance, intuitive painting and pottery, she plans to offer movement and art workshops in the near future.

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I would love to answer any questions you may have and discuss how I can best be of service toward creating the healthiest, happiest relationships and life of your dreams!