Reiki Energy Healing Sessions

Reiki is a deeply relaxing, healing technique that uses light touch on or hovering just above the body. Reiki gently offers a greater sense of well-being with profound benefits.

Susan Rae is a certified Reiki practitioner, deeply intuitive and guided, she additionally utilizes tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, and essential oils to complement this lovely healing modality for a immensely nourishing experience. The room will be lovingly prepared for you with warm, soft lighting, luxurious blankets and carefully chosen music to help carry you to new levels of deep healing and relaxation.

Experience the Benefits of Reiki:

Balances Mind, Emotions & Body Increases Relaxation & Reduces Stress Activates Self-Healing Stimulates the Immune System Releases Energetic Blockages Eases & Relieves Pain & Discomfort Improves Sleep Restores Inner Peace & Harmony Promotes Personal Awareness Enhances Spiritual Connection

“Susan has an incredible gift for channeling Source energy. Her touch and presence is gentle and warm. She's extremely intuitive, compassionate and confident in her work.

Susan was able to help me to clear out blockages in certain energy centers related to grief. When she was working on the area located above my heart I began to release years of grief and deep sadness. This powerful release helped me to feel physically lighter after.

During the session I could feel Source energy flowing through my body. The energy felt warm and loving. Additionally, Susan helped me to get energy to begin flowing through my ankle that I had reconstructive surgery on. For years I felt energy flowing through most of my body but getting trapped specifically in that area. She was quickly able to open up the channel for me and that has brought me a big sense of relief and balance energetically.

Leaving the session I felt much lighter physically, energized emotionally and less anxiety than I typically have.

The day after the session I noticed that my digestive system began to become more regulated again and I noticed a significant decrease in the bloating I've been experiencing for almost a year now.

It is clear that Susan genuinely cares for each human she encounters and she takes the time to understand the root cause of what is going on. I highly recommend Susan to anyone who is experiencing any emotional or physical distress.”


Yoga & Qigong in Nature with Susan Rae

Did you know I am a travelling yoga and qigong teacher? I love teaching yoga and qigong at various retreats, conferences and wedding venues and would be delighted and honored to teach at your next event!

For more information on my style of teaching and class descriptions, find me and join my Meetup group: or select the button below.

Susan is a wonderful instructor. The way in which she leads her classes is very mindful, calming, soothing and yet powerful. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a professional experience .
— Rob
Your style, energy, are an excellent teacher...thank you!
— Cheryl
I had the pleasure of being in 8 yoga classes led by Susan during a 5-day silent retreat. Susan’s classes made the retreat so enjoyable and uplifting. For a novice like me, I found her explanations of poses and adaptations to be very clear. I felt comfortable and supported during her classes. Susan brought a loving and accepting presence to the retreat.
— Elsie

Moon Sisters… a Full Moon Women's Circle for authentic sharing and beautiful connection!

We open by creating our sacred circle and a simple grounding meditation. Introductions have a beautiful flow and are, of course, completely optional if you would rather pass and simply observe! Then we move into some activity, i.e. ritual, artistic expression, connecting exercises, etc. It is generally different each time. Our closing is sweet and ever-evolving. My deepest hope is that each one of you leave feeling supported and nourished by our time together! Please email me to let me know if you would like to be added to the invite list!

“I want to say thank you again for the amazing Space that you made for the Moon Sisters gathering. I know from experience how much physical, mental and energetic work goes into making that kind of container. Just because you make it look effortless doesn’t mean there isn’t a huge amount of work and intentionality behind it all. I so enjoyed meeting all the women that were drawn to the Circle and especially enjoyed the sticky note exercise, where we were able to provide loving feedback to someone else in the group. ~Elisabeth vC

“Your Full Moon Women's circle was so well done. You are so welcoming and kind, organized, thoughtful and compassionately generous. It was all my favorite!  I did especially love the glow on everyone's face that was present during the second half.  That is a sign of a good sacred circle!  Lots of beautiful energy!” ~Lily C.